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6. 2D-Anzeige

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6.1 Einführung in die 2D-Anzeige

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6.2 Formatierung von Ausdrücken für die 2D-Anzeige

Optionsvariable: $display2d

Standardwert: t

Optionsvariable: $leftjust

Standardwert: nil

Optionsvariable: $display_format_internal

Standardwert: nil

Optionsvariable: $noundisp

Standardwert: nil

Optionsvariable: $derivabbrev

Standardwert: nil

Optionsvariable: $boxchar

Standardwert: "\""

Optionsvariable: $absboxchar

Standardwert: "!"

Optionsvariable: $lmxchar

Standardwert: "["

Optionsvariable: $rmxchar

Standardwert: "]"

Optionsvariable: $stardisp

Standardwert: nil


Die Optionsvariable $stardisp hat eine assign-Funktion mit dem Namen stardisp. Die assign-Funktion wird mit dem Kommando (defprop $stardisp stardisp assign) der Optionsvariablen zugewiesen. Wird der Optionsvariablen $stardisp der Wert t zugewiesen, wird das Zeichen für die Ausgabe der Multiplikation auf den Wert '(#\*) gesetzt. Ansonsten wird das Zeichen zu '(#\space) gesetzt.

Funktion: stardisp symbol val

Die Funktion stardisp ist eine assign-Funktion für die Optionsvariable $stardisp. Durch das Zuweisen von nil oder t an die Optionsvariable wird auf der Eigenschaftsliste zum Symbol mtimes entweder das Leerzeichen '(#\space) oder ein Stern '(#\*) für die Anzeige der Multiplikation abgelegt.


(defun stardisp (symbol val)
  (declare (ignore symbol))
  (putprop 'mtimes (if val '(#\*) '(#\space)) 'dissym))

Globale Variable: *display-labels-p*

Standardwert: t

Globale Variable: *linearray*

Standardwert: #(NIL NIL NIL ...)

Globale Variable: *lines*

Standardwert: 1

Globale Variable: *level*

Standardwert: 0

Globale Variable: *break*

Standardwert: 0

Globale Variable: *size*

Standardwert: 2

Globale Variable: *bkpt*

Standardwert: nil

Globale Variable: *bkptout*

Standardwert: 0

Globale Variable: *bkptwd*

Standardwert: 0

Globale Variable: *bkptdp*

Standardwert: 0

Globale Variable: *bkptht*

Standardwert: 1

Globale Variable: *bkptlevel*

Standardwert: 0

Globale Variable: *width*

Standardwert: 0

Globale Variable: *height*

Standardwert: 0

Globale Variable: *depth*

Standardwert: 0

Globale Variable: *right*

Standardwert: 0

Globale Variable: *maxht*

Standardwert: 1

Globale Variable: *maxdp*

Standardwert: 0

Globale Variable: *oldrow*

Standardwert: 0

Globale Variable: *oldcol*

Standardwert: 0

Globale Variable: *mratp*

Standardwert: nil

Makro: push-string str sym


(defmacro push-string (str sym)
  `(setq ,sym (list* ,@(nreverse (exploden str)) ,sym)))

Makro: displa-def op dim-function &rest rest


(defmacro displa-def (op dim-function &rest rest
                                      &aux l-dissym r-dissym lbp rbp)
  (dolist (x rest)
    (cond ((typep x 'string)
           (if l-dissym (setq r-dissym x) (setq l-dissym x)))
          ((integerp x)
           (if rbp (setq lbp rbp))
           (setq rbp x))
          (t (merror "DISPLA-DEF: unrecognized object: ~a" x))))
  (when l-dissym
    (setq l-dissym (if r-dissym
                       (cons (exploden l-dissym) (exploden r-dissym))
                       (exploden l-dissym))))
    (defprop ,op ,dim-function dimension)
    ,(when l-dissym  `(defprop ,op ,l-dissym dissym))
    ,(when lbp       `(defprop ,op ,lbp lbp))
    ,(when rbp       `(defprop ,op ,rbp rbp))))

Funktion: mdisplay form


(defun mdisplay (form)
  (declare (special *linel*))
  (when (not #.ttyoff)
    (cond ($display2d
           (let ((*mratp* (checkrat form))
                 (*maxht*     1) (*maxdp*  0) (*width*  0)
                 (*height*    0) (*depth*  0) (*level*  0) (*size*    2)
                 (*break*     0) (*right*  0) (*lines*  1) (*bkpt*  nil)
                 (*bkptwd*    0) (*bkptht* 1) (*bkptdp* 0) (*bkptout* 0)
                 (*bkptlevel* 0))
                 (setq form (dimension form nil 'mparen 'mparen 0 0))
                 (checkbreak form *width*)
                 (output form (if (and (not $leftjust) (= 2 *lines*))
                                  (- *linel* (- *width* *bkptout*))
               (fill *linearray* nil))))
           (fresh-line *standard-output*)
           (mgrind form *standard-output*)

Funktion: checkrat form


(defun checkrat (form)
  (declare (ignore form))

Funktion: checkfit w


(defun checkfit (w)
  (or (not *break*)
      (<= (- (+ w *break* *right* 1) *bkptwd*) *linel*)))

Funktion: checkbreak result w


(defun checkbreak (result w)
  (cond ((not *break*))
        ((> (- (setq w (+ w *break*)) *bkptout*) *linel*)
         (if (or (null *bkpt*)
                 (eq result *bkpt*))
             (merror "display: failed to break up a long expression.~%~
                      display: change 'linel' slightly and try again."))
         (do ((l result (cdr l)))
             ((eq *bkpt* (cdr l)) (rplacd l nil))
           (if (null l)
               (merror "display: 'checkbreak' not found.")))
         (output *bkpt* 0)
         (setq *lines* (1+ *lines*)
               *bkpt* result
               *bkptout* *bkptwd*
               *bkptwd* w
               *bkptht* *maxht*
               *bkptdp* *maxdp*
               *bkptlevel* *level*
               *maxht* 1
               *maxdp* 0))
        ((or (null *bkpt*)
             (<= *level* *bkptlevel*)
             (> (truncate *linel* 2) (- *bkptwd* *bkptout*)))
         (setq *bkpt* result
               *bkptwd* w
               *bkptlevel* *level*
               *bkptht* (max *maxht* *bkptht*)
               *bkptdp* (max *maxdp* *bkptdp*)
               *maxht* 1
               *maxdp* 0))))

Funktion: forcebreak result w


(defun forcebreak (result w)
  (output result 0)
  (setq *lines* (+ 2 *lines*)
        *bkpt* nil
        *bkptout* (+ w *break*)
        *maxht* 1
        *maxdp* 0))

Funktion: output result w


(defun output (result w)
  (if (not (interactive-stream-p *standard-input*))
  (if (not #.ttyoff)
      (output-linear (nreverse result) w)))

Funktion: output-linear result w


(defun output-linear (result w)
  (declare (special *bkptdp* *bkptht* *linearray*))
  (draw-linear result *bkptdp* w)
  (do ((i (1- (+ *bkptht* *bkptdp*)) (1- i)))
      ((< i 0))
    (cond ((null (aref *linearray* i)))
          (t (output-linear-one-line i)))))

Funktion: output-linear-one-line


(defun output-linear-one-line (i)
  (declare (special *linearray*))
  (labels ((tyotbsp (n)
             (do ()
                 ((< n 1))
               (write-char #\space)
               (decf n))))
    (let (line (n 0))
      (setq line (aref *linearray* i)
            line (nreverse (cdr line))
            n (car line))
      (setf (aref *linearray* i) nil)
      (tyotbsp n)
      (loop for v in (cdr line) do (write-char v))

Funktion: draw-linear dmstr *oldrow* *oldcol*


(defun draw-linear (dmstr *oldrow* *oldcol*)
  (declare (special *linearray* *oldrow* *oldcol*))
  (do ((line))
      ((null dmstr))
    (cond ((atom (car dmstr))
           (setq line (aref *linearray* *oldrow*))
           (cond ((null line) (setq line (list *oldcol*)))
                  (prog (n)
                    (setq n (car line)
                          line (cdr line))
                    (do ()
                        ((<= *oldcol* n))
                      (push #\space line)
                      (incf n)))))
           (do ()
               ((or (null dmstr) (not (atom (car dmstr))))
                (setf (aref *linearray* *oldrow*) (cons *oldcol* line)))
             (incf *oldcol*)
             (push (car dmstr) line)
             (pop dmstr)))
          ((integerp (caar dmstr))
           (setq *oldcol* (draw-linear (reverse  (cddar dmstr))
                                       (+ *oldrow* (cadar dmstr))
                                       (+ *oldcol* (caar dmstr))))
           (pop dmstr))
           (setq *oldcol* (apply (caar dmstr) (cdar dmstr)))
           (pop dmstr))))

Funktion: d-hbar w &optional char


(defun d-hbar (w &optional (char #\-) &aux nl)
  (dotimes (i w)
    (push char nl))

Funktion: d-vbar h d &optional char


(defun d-vbar (h d &optional (char #\|))
  (setq d (- d))
  (do ((i (- h 2) (1- i))
       (nl `((0 ,(1- h) ,char))))
      ((< i d) (draw-linear (nreverse nl) *oldrow* *oldcol*))
    (push `(-1 ,i ,char) nl)))

Funktion: d-integralsign


(defun d-integralsign (&aux dmstr)
  (setq dmstr `((0 2 #\/) (-1 1 #\[) (-1 0 #\I) (-1 -1 #\]) (-1 -2 #\/)))
  (draw-linear dmstr *oldrow* *oldcol*))

Funktion: d-prodsign


(defun d-prodsign (&aux dmstr)
  (setq dmstr '((0 2 #\\ (d-hbar 3 #\=) #\/)
                (-4 0) (d-vbar 2 1 #\!) #\space (d-vbar 2 1 #\!) (1 0)))
  (draw-linear dmstr *oldrow* *oldcol*))

Funktion: d-sumsign


(defun d-sumsign (&aux dmstr)
  (setq dmstr '((0 2 (d-hbar 4 #\=))
                (-4 1 #\\ ) #\> (-2 -1 #\/) (-1 -2 (d-hbar 4 #\=))))
  (draw-linear dmstr *oldrow* *oldcol*))

Funktion: d-matrix


(defun d-matrix (dir h d)
  (d-vbar h d (car (coerce (if (eq dir 'right) $rmxchar $lmxchar) 'list))))

Funktion: d-box


(defun d-box (h d w body &aux char dmstr)
  (setq char (car (coerce $boxchar 'list)))
  (setq dmstr `((0 ,h (d-hbar ,(+ 2 w) ,char))
                (,(- (+ w 2)) 0)
                (d-vbar ,h ,d ,char)
                (,(- (1+ w)) ,(- (1+ d)) (d-hbar ,(+ w 2) ,char))
                (-1 0)
                (d-vbar ,h ,d ,char)))
      (draw-linear dmstr *oldrow* *oldcol*))

Funktion: nformat-check form


(defun nformat-check (form)
  (if (and $display_format_internal
           (not (or (atom form) (atom (car form)))))
      (nformat form)))

Funktion: dimension form result *lop* *rop* w *right*


(defun dimension (form result *lop* *rop* w *right*)
  (let ((*level* (1+ *level*))
        (*break* (if (and w *break*) (+ w *break*))))    
    (setq form (nformat-check form))
    (cond ((atom form)
           (dimension-atom form result))
          ((and (atom (car form)) (setq form (cons '(mprogn) form)) nil))
          ((or (<= (lbp (caar form)) (rbp *lop*)) 
               (> (lbp *rop*) (rbp (caar form))))
           (dimension-paren form result))
          ((member 'array (car form) :test #'eq)
           (dimension-array form result))
          ((getprop (caar form) 'dimension)
           (funcall (getprop (caar form) 'dimension) form result))
           (dimension-function form result)))))

Globale Variable: atom-context

Standardwert: 'dimension-list

Funktion: dimension-atom


(defun dimension-atom (form result)
  (cond ((and (symbolp form)
              (getprop form atom-context))
         (funcall (getprop form atom-context) form result))
         ((eq form nil) (dimension-string (makestring '$false) result))
         ((eq form t) (dimension-string (makestring '$true) result))
        ((typep form 'string)
         (dimension-string (makestring form) result))
         (dimension-string (makestring form) result))))

Funktion: dimension-string form result


(defun dimension-string (form result &aux crp)
  (declare (special *linel* *break* *bkptout* *width* *height* *depth*))
  (setq *width*  0
        *height* 1
        *depth*  0)
  (do ((l form (cdr l)))
      ((null l))
    (incf *width*)
    (if (char= (car l) #\newline) (setq crp t)))
  (cond ((or (and (checkfit *width*) (not crp))
             (not *break*))
         (nreconc form result))
         (setq *width* 0)
         (do ((l form)
              (w (- *linel* (- *break* *bkptout*))))
             ((null l) (checkbreak result *width*) result)
           (setq form l
                 l (cdr l))
           (cond ((char= (car form) #\newline)
                  (forcebreak result *width*)
                  (setq result nil
                        w (+ *linel* *width*)))
                  (incf *width*)
                  (when (and (= w *width*) l)
                    (forcebreak (cons #\\ result) *width*)
                    (setq result nil
                          w (+ *linel* *width*))
                    (incf *width*))
                  (setq result (rplacd form result))))))))

Funktion: dimension-paren form result


(defun dimension-paren (form result)
  (setq result
        (cons #\) (dimension form
                             (cons #\( result)
                             'mparen 'mparen 1 (1+ *right*))))
  (incf *width* 2)

Funktion: dimension-array x result


(defun dimension-array (x result)
  (prog (dummy bas (w 0) (h 0) (d 0) sub)
    (if (eq (caar x) 'mqapply)
        (setq dummy (cadr x) x (cdr x))
        (setq dummy (caar x)))
    (cond ((or (not $noundisp)
               (not (symbolp (caar x)))))
          ((and (getprop (caar x) 'verb)
                (getprop (caar x) 'alias))
           (push-string "''" result)
           (setq w 2))
          ((and (getprop (caar x) 'noun)
                (not (member (caar x) (cdr $aliases) :test #'eq))
                (not (getprop (caar x) 'reversealias)))
           (setq result (cons #\' result)
                 w 1)))
    (setq sub (let ((*lop* 'mparen)
                    (*rop* 'mparen)
                    (*break* nil)
                    (*size* 1))
                (dimension-list x nil))
          w (+ w *width*)
          h *height*
          d *depth*)
    (setq bas (if (and (not (atom dummy))
                       (member 'array (car dummy) :test #'eq))
                  (let ((*break* nil) (*right* 0))
                    (dimension-paren dummy result))
                  (let ((atom-context 'dimension-array))
                    (dimension dummy result *lop* 'mfunction nil 0))))
    (cond ((not (checkfit (setq *width* (+ w *width*))))
           (return (dimension-function (cons '(subscript) 
                                             (cons dummy (cdr x)))
          ((and (atom (car bas))
                (char= #\ (car bas)))
           (setq result (cons (cons 0 (cons (- h) sub)) bas)
                 *depth* (max (+ h d) *depth*)))
           (setq result (cons (cons 0 (cons (- (+ *depth* h)) sub)) bas)
                 *depth* (+ h d *depth*))))
    (update-heights *height* *depth*)
    (return result)))

Funktion: dimension-function form result


(defun dimension-function (form result)
  (prog (fun (w 0) (h 0) (d 0))
    (cond ((or (not $noundisp) (not (symbolp (caar form)))))
          ((and (getprop (caar form) 'verb)
                (getprop (caar form) 'alias))
           (push-string "''" result)
           (setq w 2))
          ((and (getprop (caar form) 'noun)
                (not (member (caar form) (cdr $aliases) :test #'eq))
                (not (getprop (caar form) 'reversealias)))
           (setq result (cons #\' result)
                 w 1)))
    (if (eq (caar form) 'mqapply)
        (setq fun (cadr form)
              form (cdr form))
        (setq fun (caar form)))
    (setq result (let ((atom-context 'dimension-function))
                   (dimension fun result *lop* 'mparen 0 1))
          w (+ w *width*)
          h *height*
          d *depth*)
    (cond ((null (cdr form))
           (setq result (list* #\) #\( result)
                 *width* (+ 2 w)))
           (setq result (let ((*lop* 'mparen)
                              (*rop* 'mparen)
                              (*break* (if *break* (+ 1 w *break*))))
                          (cons #\) (dimension-list form (cons #\( result))))
                 *width* (+ 2 w *width*)
                 *height* (max h *height*)
                 *depth* (max d *depth*))))
    (return result)))

Funktion: dimension-list form result


(defun dimension-list (form result)
  (prog ((w 0) (h 0) (d 0))
    (setq result (dimension (cadr form) result *lop* 'mcomma 0 *right*)
          w *width*
          h *height*
          d *depth*)
    (do ((l (cddr form) (cdr l)))
        ((null l))
      (push-string ", " result)
      (incf w 2)
      (checkbreak result w)
      (setq result (dimension (car l) result 'mcomma 'mcomma w *right*)
            w (+ w *width*)
            h (max h *height*)
            d (max d *depth*)))
    (setq *width* w
          *height* h
          *depth* d)
    (return result)))

Funktion: dimension-prefix form result


(defun dimension-prefix (form result)
  (prog (dissym (symlength 0))
    (setq dissym (getprop (caar form) 'dissym)
          symlength (length dissym))
    (setq result
          (dimension (cadr form)
                     (revappend dissym result)
                     (caar form) *rop* symlength *right*)
          *width* (+ symlength *width*))
    (return result)))

Funktion: dimension-infix form result


(defun dimension-infix (form result)
  (unless (= (length (cdr form)) 2)
    (return-from dimension-infix (dimension-function form result)))
  (prog (dissym (symlength 0) (w 0) (h 0) (d 0))
    (setq dissym (getprop (caar form) 'dissym)
          symlength (length dissym)
          result (dimension (cadr form) result *lop* (caar form) 0 symlength)
          w *width*
          h *height*
          d *depth*)
     (setq result (revappend dissym result))
     (checkbreak result (+ symlength w))
     (setq result 
           (dimension (caddr form)
                      result (caar form) *rop* (+ symlength w) *right*)
           *width* (+ w symlength *width*)
           *height* (max h *height*)
           *depth* (max d *depth*))
     (return result)))

Funktion: dimension-postfix form result


(defun dimension-postfix (form result)
  (prog (dissym (symlength 0))
    (setq dissym (getprop (caar form) 'dissym)
          symlength (length dissym))
    (setq result
          (dimension (cadr form)
                     result *lop* (caar form) 0 (+ symlength *right*))
          *width* (+ symlength *width*))
    (return (revappend dissym result))))

Funktion: dimension-nofix form result

Das erste Argument form ist ein Ausdruck mit einem Nofix-Operator und das Argument result enthält die bisher formatierten Ausdrücke. Die Rückgabe ist das bisherige Result result, ergänzt um den formatierten Nofix-Operator.

Die globale Variable *width* erhält als neuen Wert die Anzahl der Zeichen des Nofix-Operators.


Da kMaxima keinen Nofix-Operator kennt, wird zunächst ein Nofix-Operator new definiert.

(%i1) nofix(new);
(%o1)                          new
(%i2) quit();

Jetzt wird ein Ausdruck mit dem Nofix-Operator formatiert.

* (dimension-nofix '(($new)) nil)
(#\w #\e #\n)


(defun dimension-nofix (form result)
  (setq form (getprop (caar form) 'dissym)
        *width* (length form))
  (revappend form result))


Wieso wird von der Funktion dimension-nofix die Anzahl der Zeichen nicht zur globale Variablen *width* hinzu addiert?

Funktion: dimension-match form result


(defun dimension-match (form result)
  (prog (dissym (symlength 0))
    (setq dissym (getprop (caar form) 'dissym)
          symlength (length (car dissym)))
    (cond ((null (cdr form))
           (setq *width* (+ symlength (length (cdr dissym)))
                 *height* 1
                 *depth* 0)
           (return (revappend (cdr dissym) (revappend (car dissym) result))))
           (setq result
                 (let ((*lop* 'mparen)
                       (*rop* 'mparen)
                       (*break* (if *break* (+ symlength *break*)))
                       (*right* (+ symlength *right*)))
                   (dimension-list form (revappend (car dissym) result))))
           (setq *width* (+ (length (cdr dissym)) symlength *width*))
           (return (revappend (cdr dissym) result))))))

Funktion: dim-mplus form result


(defun dim-mplus (form result)
  (cond ((and (null (cddr form))
              (not (member (cadar form) '(trunc exact) :test #'eq)))
         (if (null (cdr form))
             (dimension-function form result)
             (dimension-prefix (cons '(munaryplus) (cdr form)) result)))
         (setq result (dimension (cadr form) result *lop* 'mplus 0 0))
         (checkbreak result *width*)
         (do ((l (cddr form) (cdr l))
              (w *width*)
              (h *height*)
              (d *depth*)
              (trunc (member 'trunc (cdar form) :test #'eq))
             ((null l)
              (if trunc
                  (setq *width* (+ 8 w)
                        *height* h
                        *depth* d)
                  (push-string " + . . ." result))
           (if (mminusp (car l))
               (setq dissym '(#\space #\- #\space) form (cadar l))
               (setq dissym '(#\space #\+ #\space) form (car l)))
           (cond ((and (not trunc) (null (cdr l)))
                  (setq result
                        (dimension form (append dissym result) 
                                        'mplus *rop* (+ 3 w) *right*)
                        *width* (+ 3 w *width*)
                        *height* (max h *height*)
                        *depth* (max d *depth*))
                  (return result))
                  (setq result
                        (dimension form (append dissym result)
                                        'mplus 'mplus (+ 3 w) 0)
                        w (+ 3 w *width*)
                        h (max h *height*)
                        d (max d *depth*))
                  (checkbreak result w)))))))

Funktion: dim-rat form result


(defun dim-rat (form result)
  (if $ratdispflag
      (dimension-nary form result)
      (dim-mquotient form result)))

Funktion: dim-mquotient form result


(defun dim-mquotient (form result)
  (unless (= (length (cdr form)) 2)
    (return-from dim-mquotient (dimension-function form result)))
  (prog (num (w 0) (h 0) (d 0) den)
    (when (and (= 1 *size*) (atom (cadr form)) (atom (caddr form)))
      (return (dimension-nary form result)))
    (setq num (dimension (cadr form) nil 'mparen 'mparen nil *right*)
          w *width*
          h *height*
          d *depth*)
    (unless (checkfit w)
      (return (dimension-nary form result)))
    (setq den (dimension (caddr form) nil 'mparen 'mparen nil *right*))
    (unless (checkfit *width*)
      (return (dimension-nary form result)))
    (return (dratio result num w h d den *width* *height* *depth*))))

Funktion: dratio result num w1 h1 d1 den w2 h2 d2


(defun dratio (result num w1 h1 d1 den w2 h2 d2)
  (setq *width* (max w1 w2)
        *height* (+ 1 h1 d1)
        *depth* (+ h2 d2))
  (setq #.x1 (truncate (- *width* w1) 2)
        #.x2 (truncate (- *width* w2) 2))
  (update-heights *height* *depth*)
  (push `(,#.x1 ,(1+ d1) . ,num) result)
  (push `(,(- #.x2 (+ #.x1 w1)) ,(- h2) . ,den) result)
  (push `(,(- 0 #.x2 w2) 0) result)
  (push `(d-hbar ,*width*) result)

Bemerkung: Die Funktion nutzt die globalen Variablen x1 und x2. Diese werden folgendermaßen initialisert:

(defvar x1)
(defvar x2)

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (setq x1 'h1 x2 'd2))

Funktion: update-heights ht* dp*


(defun update-heights (ht* dp*)
  (if *break*
      (setq *maxht* (max *maxht* ht*)
            *maxdp* (max *maxdp* dp*))))

Funktion: dimension-nary form result


(defun dimension-nary (form result)
  (cond ((null (cddr form))
         (dimension-function form result))
         (prog (dissym (symlength 0) (w 0) (h 0) (d 0) helper)
           (setq dissym (getprop (caar form) 'dissym)
                 symlength (length dissym)
                 helper (or (getprop (caar form) 'dimension-nary-helper)
                 result (funcall helper
                                 (cadr form)
                                 result *lop* (caar form) (caar form) 0)
                 w *width*
                 h *height*
                 d *depth*)
           (do ((l (cddr form) (cdr l)))
             (checkbreak result w)
             (setq result (revappend dissym result)
                   w (+ symlength w))
             (cond ((null (cdr l))
                    (setq result
                          (funcall helper 
                                   (car l)
                                   result (caar form) (caar form) *rop* w)
                          *width* (+ w *width*)
                          *height* (max h *height*)
                          *depth* (max d *depth*))
                    (return t))
                    (setq result
                          (funcall helper
                                   (car l)
                                   (caar form) (caar form) (caar form) w)
                          w (+ w *width*)
                          h (max h *height*)
                          d (max d *depth*)))))
           (return result)))))

Funktion: dimnary form result *lop* op *rop* w


(defun dimnary (form result *lop* op *rop* w)
  (declare (ignore op))
  (if (and (consp form)
           (member (getprop (caar form) 'dimension)
                   '(dimension-infix dimension-nary dim-mplus)))
        (setq result
              (cons #\)
                    (dimension form
                              (cons #\( result)
                               'mparen 'mparen (1+ w) (1+ *right*))))
        (incf *width* 2)
        (dimension form result *lop* *rop* w *right*))))

Funktion: dim-mlabel form result


(defun dim-mlabel (form result)
  (prog (dummy (w 0) (h 0) (d 0))
    (cond ((eq nil (cadr form))
           (setq w 0 h 0 d 0))
           (setq result
                 (append *mratp*
                         (if *display-labels-p*
                             (dimension-paren (cadr form) result)))
                 w (+ 4 *width*)
                 h *height*
                 d *depth*))
           (setq result 
                 (cons #\space 
                       (if *display-labels-p*
                           (dimension-paren (cadr form) result)))
                 w (1+ *width*)
                 h *height*
                 d *depth*)))
    (let ((*level* *linel*)) (checkbreak result w))
    (setq dummy (list 0 0))
    (setq result
          (dimension (caddr form) 
                     (cons dummy result) 'mlabel *rop* w *right*))
    (cond ((and (not $leftjust) (= 0 *bkptout*))
           (rplaca dummy (max 0 (- (truncate (- *linel* *width*) 2) w)))
           (setq *width* (+ (car dummy) *width*))))
    (setq *width* (+ w *width*)
          *height* (max h *height*)
          *depth* (max d *depth*))
    (return result)))

Funktion: dimnary-boolean form result *lop* op *rop* w


(defun dimnary-boolean (form result *lop* op *rop* w)
  (declare (ignore op))
  (if (and (consp form)
           (or (member (getprop (caar form) 'dimension)
                       '(dimension-infix dimension-nary))
               (eq (caar form) 'mnot)))
      (dimension-paren form result)
      (dimension form result *lop* *rop* w *right*)))

Funktion: dimension-superscript form result


(defun dimension-superscript (form result)
  (prog (exp (w 0) (h 0) (d 0) bas)
    (setq exp (let ((*size* 1))
                (dimension (caddr form) nil 'mparen 'mparen nil 0))
          w *width*
          h *height*
          d *depth*)
    (cond ((and (not (atom (cadr form)))
                (member 'array (cdaadr form) :test #'eq))
           (prog (sub (w2 0) (h2 0) (d2 0))
             (setq sub (if (eq 'mqapply (caaadr form))
                           (cdadr form) (cadr form)))
             (setq sub (let ((*lop* 'mparen) (*break* nil) (*size* 1))
                         (dimension-list sub nil))
                   w2 *width*
                   h2 *height*
                   d2 *depth*)
             (setq bas (dimension (mop (cadr form))
                                  result *lop* 'mexpt nil 0))
             (when (not (checkfit (+ *width* (max w w2))))
               (setq result
                     (dimension-function (cons '($expt) (cdr form)) result))
               (return result))
             (setq result (cons (cons 0 (cons (+ *height* d) exp)) bas))
             (setq result
                   (cons (cons (- w) (cons (- (+ *depth* h2)) sub)) result))
             (setq result (cons (list (- (max w w2) w2) 0) result)
                   *width* (+ *width* (max w w2))
                   *height* (+ h d *height*)
                   *depth* (+ d2 h2 *depth*)))
           (update-heights *height* *depth*)
           (return result))
          ((and (atom (caddr form))
                (not (atom (cadr form)))
                (not (getprop (caaadr form) 'dimension))
                  (setq bas (nformat-check (cadr form)))
                  (not (getprop (caar bas) 'dimension))))
           (return (dimension-function
                     (list* '(mqapply)
                            (list '(mexpt) (mop bas) (caddr form))
                            (margs bas))
           (setq bas (dimension (cadr form) result *lop* 'mexpt nil 0)
                 *width* (+ w *width*))
           (if (not (checkfit *width*))
               (return (dimension-function (cons '($expt) (cdr form))
           (if (eql #\) (car bas))
               (setq result (cons (list* 0 (1+ d) exp) bas)
                     *height* (max (+ 1 h d) *height*))
               (setq result (cons (list* 0 (+ *height* d) exp) bas)
                     *height* (+ h d *height*)))
           (update-heights *height* *depth*)
           (return result)))))

Funktion: dim-mdefine form result


(defun dim-mdefine (form result)
  (let (($noundisp t)
        ($stringdispflag t))
    (dimension-infix (if (cdddr form)
                         (list (car form) 
                               (cadr form)
                               (cons '(mprogn) (cddr form)))

Funktion: dim-mncexpt form result


(defun dim-mncexpt (form result)
  (dimension-superscript (list '(mncexpt)
                               (cadr form) 
                               (cons '(mangle) (cddr form)))

Funktion: dim-%integrate form result


(defun dim-%integrate (form result)
  (prog (dummy (w 0)(h 0)(d 0) dummy2)
    (cond ((not (or (= (length (cdr form)) 2) (= (length (cdr form)) 4)))
           (return-from dim-%integrate (dimension-function form result)))
          ((null (cdddr form))
           (setq dummy `(#\space (d-integralsign) . ,result) w 2 h 3 d 2))
           (setq dummy (dimension (cadr (cdddr form))
                                  nil 'mparen 'mparen nil 0)
                 w *width* h *height* d *depth*)
           (setq dummy2 (dimension (cadddr form) nil 'mparen 'mparen nil 0))
           (if (not (checkfit (+ 2 (max w *width*))))
               (return (dimension-function form result)))
           (setq dummy `((0 ,(+ 3 d) . ,dummy)
                         (d-integralsign) . ,result))
           (setq dummy (cons (cons (- w) (cons (- (+ 2 *height*)) dummy2))
                 w (+ 2 (max w *width*)) h (+ 3 h d) d (+ 2 *height* *depth*)
                 dummy (cons (list (- w 1 *width*) 0) dummy))))
    (update-heights h d)
    (setq dummy (dimension (cadr form) dummy '%integrate 'mparen w 2)
          w (+ w *width*) h (max h *height*) d (max d *depth*))
    (push-string " d" dummy)
    (setq dummy (dimension (caddr form) dummy 'mparen *rop* (+ 2 w) *right*)
          *width* (+ 2 w *width*)
          *height* (max h *height*)
          *depth* (max d *depth*))
    (return dummy)))

Funktion: dim-%derivative form result


(defun dim-%derivative (form result)
  (prog ()
    (cond ((null (cddr form))
           (return (dimension-function (cons '(%diff) (cdr form)) result))))
    (cond ((null (cdddr form)) (setq form (append form '(1)))))
    (cond ((and $derivabbrev
                (do ((l (cddr form) (cddr l))) ((null l) t)
                  (cond ((and (atom (car l))
                              (integerp (cadr l)) (> (cadr l) 0)))
                        (t (return nil)))))
           (return (dmderivabbrev form result)))
          ((or (> (rbp *lop*) 130) (> (lbp *rop*) 130)
               (and (not (atom (cadr form)))
                    (or (> (rbp *lop*) 110) (> (lbp *rop*) 110))))
           (return (dimension-paren form result)))
           (return (dmderivlong form result))))))

Funktion: dmderivabbrev form result


(defun dmderivabbrev (form result)
  (prog (dummy (w 0))
    (do ((l (cddr form) (cddr l)) (var))
        ((null l) (setq dummy (cdr dummy) w (1- w)))
      (setq var (dimension (car l) nil 'mparen 'mparen nil 0))
      (do ((i (cadr l) (1- i)))
          ((= 1 i))
        (setq dummy (cons #\space (append var dummy))))
      (setq dummy (cons #\space (nconc var dummy))
            w (+ w (cadr l) (* (cadr l) *width*))))
    (setq result (dimension (cadr form) result *lop* '%deriv 0 *right*))
    (setq result (cons (cons 0 (cons (- 0 *depth* 1) dummy)) result)
          *width* (+ w *width*) *depth* (max 1 (1+ *depth*)))
    (update-heights *height* *depth*)
    (return result)))

Funktion: dmderivlong form result


(defun dmderivlong (form result)
  (prog (num (w1 0) (h1 0) (d1 0) den (w2 0)( h2 0) (d2 0))
    (setq num (list (cadddr form))
          den (cond ((equal 1 (cadddr form))
                     (dimension (caddr form)
                                (list #\d) 'mparen 'mparen nil 0))
                       (cons '(diff)(cddr form)) (list #\d))))
          w2 (1+ *width*) h2 *height* d2 *depth*)
    (do ((l (cddddr form) (cddr l))) ((null l))
      (setq num (cons (cadr l) num)
            den (cond ((equal 1 (cadr l))
                       (dimension (car l) (cons #\d (cons #\space den))
                                  'mparen 'mparen nil 0))
                         (cons '(diff) l) (cons #\d (cons #\space den)))))
            w2 (+ 2 w2 *width*)
            h2 (max h2 *height*)
            d2 (+ d2 *depth*)))
    (setq num (nformat-check (addn num t)))
    (cond ((equal 1 num)
           (setq num (list #\d)
                 w1 1
                 h1 1
                 d1 0))
           (setq num (dimension-superscript (list '(diff) #\d num) nil)
                 w1 *width*
                 h1 *height*
                 d1 *depth*)))
    (cond ((atom (setq form (nformat-check (cadr form))))
           (setq num (dimension form num '%deriv 'mparen nil 0)
                 w1 (+ w1 *width*))
           (return (dratio result num w1 h1 d1 den w2 h2 d2)))
           (setq result (dratio result num w1 h1 d1 den w2 h2 d2)
                 w1 *width*
                 h1 *height*
                 d1 *depth*)
           (setq result
                 (dimension form 
                            (cons #\space result) '%deriv *rop* w1 *right*)
                 *width* (+ 1 w1 *width*)
                 *height* (max h1 *height*)
                 *depth* (max d1 *depth*))
           (update-heights *height* *depth*)
           (return result)))))

Funktion: dim-%at form result


(defun dim-%at (form result)
  (prog (exp eqs (w 0) (h 0) (d 0))
    (unless (= (length (cdr form)) 2)
      (return-from dim-%at (dimension-function form result)))
    (setq exp (dimension (cadr form) result *lop* '%at nil 0)
          w *width*
          h *height*
          d *depth*)
    (setq eqs (dimension (cond ((not (eq 'mlist (caar (caddr form))))
                                (caddr form))
                               ((null (cddr (caddr form)))
                                (cadr (caddr form)))
                               (t (cons '(mcomma) (cdaddr form))))
                         nil 'mparen 'mparen nil 0))
    (unless (checkfit (+ 1 w *width*))
      (return (dimension-function form result)))
    (setq result (cons (cons 0 (cons (- 0 1 d) eqs))
                       (cons `(d-vbar ,(1+ h) 
                                      ,(1+ d)
                                      ,(car (coerce $absboxchar 'list)))
          *width* (+ 1 w *width*)
          *height* (1+ h)
          *depth* (+ 1 d *depth*))
    (update-heights *height* *depth*)
    (return result)))

Funktion: dim-%lsum form result


(defun dim-%lsum (form result)
  (dsumprod form result '(d-sumsign) 4 3 2))

Funktion: dim-%sum form result


(defun dim-%sum (form result)
  (dsumprod form result '(d-sumsign) 4 3 2))

Funktion: dim-%product form result


(defun dim-%product (form result)
  (dsumprod form result '(d-prodsign) 5 3 1))

Funktion: dsumprod form result d-form sw sh sd


(defun dsumprod (form result d-form sw sh sd)
  (prog (dummy (w 0) (h 0) (d 0) dummy2 (lsum (eq (caar form) '%lsum)))
    (setq dummy2 (dimension (caddr form) nil 'mparen 'mequal nil 0)
          w *width*
          h *height*
          d *depth*)
    (if lsum
        (push-string " in "  dummy2)
        (push-string " = " dummy2))
    (setq dummy2 (dimension (cadddr form) dummy2 'mequal 'mparen nil 0)
          w (+ 3 w *width*)
          h (max h *height*)
          d (max d *depth*))
    (or lsum
        (setq dummy (dimension (cadr (cdddr form))
                               nil 'mparen 'mparen nil 0)))
    (unless (checkfit (max w *width*))
      (return (dimension-function form result)))
    (setq dummy2 
          (cons (cons (- sw) (cons (- (+ sd h)) dummy2))
                (cons d-form result)))
    (cond ((> *width* sw)
           (setq sw 0))
           (setq sw (truncate (- sw *width*) 2)
                 *width* (+ sw *width*))))
    (setq dummy (cons (cons (- sw w) (cons (+ sh *depth*) dummy)) dummy2)
          w (max w *width*)
          d (+ sd h d)
          h (+ sh *height* *depth*))
    (update-heights h d)
    (setq dummy (dimension (cadr form)
                           (cons (list (1+ (- w *width*)) 0) dummy)
                           (caar form) *rop* w *right*)
          *width* (+ 1 w *width*)
          *height* (max h *height*)
          *depth* (max d *depth*))
    (return dummy)))

Funktion: dim-%limit form result


(defun dim-%limit (form result)
  (prog ((w 0) (h 0) (d 0) dummy)
    (unless (or (= (length (cdr form)) 3) (= (length (cdr form)) 4))
      (return-from dim-%limit (dimension-function form result)))
    (setq dummy (dimension (third form) nil 'mparen 'mparen nil 0)
          w *width* h *height* d *depth*)
    (push-string " -> " dummy)
    (setq dummy (dimension (fourth form) dummy 'mparen 'mparen nil 0)
          w (+ 4 w *width*)
          h (max h *height*)
          d (max d *depth*))
    (cond ((null (cddddr form)))
          ((eq '$plus (fifth form))
           (push #\+ dummy)
           (incf w))
           (push #\- dummy)
           (incf w)))
    (push-string "limit" result)
    (setq dummy (cons (list* -5 (- h) dummy) result)
          d (+ h d))
    (update-heights 1 d)
    (setq dummy 
          (dimension (cadr form)
                     (cons '(1 0) dummy) '%limit *rop* (1+ w) *right*))
    (setq *width* (+ 1 w *width*)
          *depth* (max d *depth*))
    (return dummy)))

Funktion: dim-mcond form result


(defun dim-mcond (form result)
  (prog ((w 0) (h 0) (d 0))
    (push-string "if " result)
    (setq result (dimension (cadr form) result 'mcond 'mparen 3 0)
          w (+ 3 *width*)
          h *height*
          d *depth*)
    (checkbreak result w)
    (push-string " then " result)
    (setq result (dimension (caddr form) result 'mcond 'mparen (+ 6 w) 0)
          w (+ 6 w *width*)
          h (max h *height*)
          d (max d *depth*))
    (let ((args (cdddr form)))
      (loop while (>= (length args) 2) do
            (let ((maybe-elseif (car args)) (else-or-then (cadr args)))
                ((and (eq maybe-elseif t) (= (length args) 2))
                 (unless (or (eq '$false else-or-then) (eq nil else-or-then))
                   (checkbreak result w)
                   (push-string " else " result)
                   (setq result
                         (dimension else-or-then result
                                    'mcond *rop* (+ 6 w) *right*)
                         w (+ 6 w *width*)
                         h (max h *height*)
                         d (max d *depth*))))
                 (checkbreak result w)
                 (push-string " elseif " result)
                 (setq result
                       (dimension maybe-elseif result
                                  'mcond *rop* (+ 8 w) *right*)
                       w (+ 8 w *width*)
                       h (max h *height*)
                       d (max d *depth*))
                 (checkbreak result w)
                 (push-string " then " result)
                 (setq result
                       (dimension else-or-then result
                                  'mcond *rop* (+ 6 w) *right*)
                       w (+ 6 w *width*)
                       h (max h *height*)
                       d (max d *depth*)))))
            (setq args (cddr args))))
    (setq *width* w
          *height* h
          *depth* d)
    (return result)))

Funktion: dim-mdo form result


(defun dim-mdo (form result)
  (prog ((w 0) (h 0) (d 0) brkflag)
    (cond ((not (null (cadr form)))
           (push-string "for " result)
           (setq result
                 (cons #\space
                       (dimension (cadr form) result 'mdo 'mparen 4 *right*))
                 w (+ 4 *width*) h *height* d *depth*
                 brkflag t)))
    (cond ((or (null (caddr form))
               (equal 1 (caddr form))))
           (push-string "from " result)
           (setq result
                 (cons #\space
                       (dimension (caddr form) result 'mdo 'mparen (+ 6 w) 0))
                 w (+ 6 w *width*) h (max h *height*) d (max d *depth*))))
    (setq form (cdddr form))
    (cond ((equal 1 (car form)))
          ((not (null (car form)))
           (push-string "step " result)
           (setq result
                 (cons #\space
                       (dimension (car form) result 'mdo 'mparen (+ 6 w) 0))
                 w (+ 6 w *width*) h (max h *height*) d (max d *depth*)))
          ((not (null (cadr form)))
           (push-string "next " result)
           (setq result
                 (cons #\space
                       (dimension (cadr form) result 'mdo 'mparen (+ 6 w) 0))
                 w (+ 6 w *width*) h (max h *height*) d (max d *depth*))))
    (cond ((not (null (caddr form)))
           (push-string "thru " result)
           (setq result
                 (cons #\space
                       (dimension (caddr form) result 'mdo 'mparen (+ 6 w) 0))
                 w (+ 6 w *width*) h (max h *height*) d (max d *depth*)
                 brkflag t)))
    (cond ((not (null (cadddr form)))
           (cond ((and (not (atom (cadddr form)))
                       (eq (caar (cadddr form)) 'mnot))
                  (push-string "while " result)
                  (setq result
                        (cons #\space
                              (dimension (cadr (cadddr form))
                                         result 'mdo 'mparen (+ 7 w) 0))
                        w (+ 7 w *width*)
                        h (max h *height*)
                        d (max d *depth*)))
                  (push-string "unless " result)
                  (setq result
                        (cons #\space
                              (dimension (cadddr form)
                                         result 'mdo 'mparen (+ 8 w) 0))
                        w (+ 8 w *width*) h (max h *height*)
                        d (max d *depth*))))))
    (if brkflag (checkbreak result w))
    (push-string "do " result)
    (setq result
          (dimension (car (cddddr form)) result 'mdo *rop* (+ 4 w) *right*)
          *width* (+ 4 w *width*)
          *height* (max h *height*)
          *depth* (max d *depth*))
    (return result)))

Funktion: dim-mdoin form result


(defun dim-mdoin (form result)
  (prog ((w 0) (h 0) (d 0))
    (push-string "for " result)
    (setq result (dimension (cadr form) result 'mdo 'mparen 4 0)
          w (+ 4 *width*)
          h *height*
          d *depth*)
    (push-string " in " result)
    (setq result (dimension (caddr form) result 'mdo 'mparen (+ 4 w) 0)
          w (+ 4 w *width*)
          h (max h *height*)
          d (max d *depth*))
    (setq form (cdr (cddddr form)))
    (cond ((not (null (car form)))
           (push-string " thru " result)
           (setq result (dimension (car form) result 'mdo 'mparen (+ 6 w) 0)
                 w (+ 6 w *width*)
                 h (max h *height*)
                 d (max d *depth*))))
    (cond ((not (null (cadr form)))
           (push-string " unless " result)
           (setq result (dimension (cadr form) result 'mdo 'mparen (+ 8 w) 0)
                 w (+ 8 w *width*)
                 h (max h *height*)
                 d (max d *depth*))))
    (push-string " do " result)
    (setq result (dimension (caddr form) result 'mdo *rop* (+ 4 w) *right*)
          *width* (+ 4 w *width*)
          *height* (max h *height*)
          *depth* (max d *depth*))
    (return result)))

Funktion: dim-mabs form result


(defun dim-mabs (form result &aux arg bar)
  (setq arg (dimension (cadr form) nil 'mparen 'mparen nil 0))
  (cond ((or (> (+ 2 *width*) *linel*)
             (and (= 1 *height*) (= 0 *depth*)))
         (dimension-function form result))
         (setq *width* (+ 2 *width*))
         (update-heights *height* *depth*)
         (setq bar `(d-vbar ,*height* 
                            ,*depth* ,(car (coerce $absboxchar 'list))))
         (cons bar (nconc arg (cons bar result))))))

Funktion: dim-$matrix form result

Die Funktion dim-$matrix formatiert eine Maxima-Matrix für die 2D-Anzeige. Kann das Argument form nicht als Matrix dargestellt werden, wird form als eine Funktion in einer linearen Darstellung formatiert.


(defun dim-$matrix (form result)
  (prog (dmstr rstr cstr consp cols)
     (setq cols (if (mlistp (cadr form)) (length (cadr form)) 0))
     (if (or (null (cdr form))
             (memalike '((mlist simp)) (cdr form))
             ;; Check if the matrix has lists as rows with a equal number of
             ;; columns.
             (dolist (row (cdr form))
               (if (or (not (mlistp row))
                       (not (eql cols (length row))))
                   (return t))))
         ;; The matrix is not well formed. Display the matrix in linear mode.
         (return (dimension-function form result)))
     (do ((l (cdadr form) (cdr l)))
         ((null l))
       (setq dmstr (cons nil dmstr) cstr (cons 0 cstr)))
     (do ((r (cdr form) (cdr r)) (h1 0) (d1 0))
         ((or consp (null r))
          (setq *width* 0)
          (do ((cs cstr (cdr cs)))
              ((null cs))
            (setq *width* (+ 2 (car cs) *width*)))
          (setq h1 (1- (+ h1 d1))
                *depth* (truncate h1 2)
                *height* (- h1 *depth*)))
       (do ((c (cdar r) (cdr c))
            (nc dmstr (cdr nc))
            (cs cstr (cdr cs)) (dummy) (h2 0) (d2 0))
           ((null c) (setq d1 (+ d1 h1 h2) h1 (1+ d2)))
         (setq dummy (dimension (car c) nil 'mparen 'mparen nil 0)
               h2 (max h2 *height*)
               d2 (max d2 *depth*))
         (cond ((not (checkfit (+ 14 *width*))) (setq consp t) (return nil))
               (t (rplaca nc (cons (list* *width* *height* *depth* dummy)
                                   (car nc)))
                  (rplaca cs (max *width* (car cs))))))
       (setq rstr (cons d1 rstr)))
     (if (> (+ *height* *depth*) (length *linearray*))
         (setq consp t))
       (cond ((and (not consp) (checkfit (+ 2 *width*)))
              (matout dmstr cstr rstr result))
             ((and (not consp) (<= *level* 2)) (colout dmstr cstr result))
             (t (dimension-function form result))))))

Funktion: matout dmstr cstr rstr result


(defun matout (dmstr cstr rstr result)
  (push `(d-matrix left ,*height* ,*depth*) result)
  (push #\space result)
  (do ((d dmstr (cdr d)) (c cstr (cdr c)) (w 0 0))
      ((null d))
    (do ((d (car d) (cdr d)) (r rstr (cdr r))) ((null d))
      (rplaca (cddar d) (- *height* (car r)))
      (rplaca (cdar d) (- (truncate (- (car c) (caar d)) 2) w))
      (setq w (truncate (+ (car c) (caar d)) 2))
      (rplaca d (cdar d)))
    (setq result
          (cons (list (+ 2 (- (car c) w)) 0) (nreconc (car d) result))))
  (setq *width* (+ 2 *width*))
  (update-heights *height* *depth*)
  (rplaca (car result) (1- (caar result)))
  (push `(d-matrix *right* ,*height* ,*depth*) result)

Funktion: colout dmstr cstr result


(defun colout (dmstr cstr result)
  (setq *width* 0
        *height* 1
        *depth* 0)
  (do ((r dmstr (cdr r))
       (c cstr (cdr c))
       (col 1 (1+ col))
       (w 0 0) (h -1 -1) (d 0))
      ((null r))
    (push-string " Col " result)
    (setq result (nreconc (exploden col) result))
    (push-string " = " result)
    (setq *width* (+ 8 (length (exploden col)) *width*))
    (do ((r (car r) (cdr r))) ((null r))
      (setq h (+ 1 h (cadar r) (caddar r)))
      (rplaca (cddar r) (- h (cadar r)))
      (rplaca (cdar r) (- (truncate (- (car c) (caar r)) 2) w))
      (setq w (truncate (+ (car c) (caar r)) 2))
      (rplaca r (cdar r)))
    (setq d (truncate h 2) h (- h d))
    (push `(d-matrix left ,h ,d) result)
    (push #\space result)
    (push `(0 ,(- d) . ,(nreverse (car r))) result)
    (push `(,(1+ (- (car c) w)) 0) result)
    (push `(d-matrix *right* ,h ,d) result)
    (setq *width* (+ 4 (car c) *width*)
          *height* (max h *height*)
          *depth* (max d *depth*))
    (update-heights h d)
    (checkbreak result *width*))

Funktion: dim-mbox form result


(defun dim-mbox (form result &aux dummy)
  (setq dummy (dimension (cadr form) nil 'mparen 'mparen nil 0))
  (cond ((not (checkfit (+ 2 *width*)))
         (dimension-function (cons '($box) (cdr form)) result))
         (push `(d-box ,*height* ,*depth* ,*width* ,(nreverse dummy)) result)
         (setq *width* (+ 2 *width*)
               *height* (1+ *height*)
               *depth* (1+ *depth*))
         (update-heights *height* *depth*)

Funktion: dim-mlabox form result


(defun dim-mlabox (form result)
  (prog (dummy ch)
    (setq dummy (dimension (cadr form) nil 'mparen 'mparen nil 0))
    (cond ((not (checkfit (+ 2 *width*)))
           (return (dimension-function (cons '($box) (cdr form)) result))))
    (setq *width* (+ 2 *width*)
          *height* (1+ *height*)
          *depth* (1+ *depth*))
    (setq ch (car (coerce $boxchar 'list)))
    (setq result
          (cons (do ((l (mapcar #'(lambda (l) (char (symbol-name l) 0))
                                (makestring (caddr form))) (cdr l))
                     (w 0) (nl))
                    ((or (null l) (= *width* w))
                     (cons 0
                           (cons (1- *height*)
                                 (cond ((< w *width*)
                                        (cons `(d-hbar ,(- *width* w) ,ch)
                                       (t nl)))))
                  (setq nl (cons (car l) nl)
                        w (1+ w)))
    (setq result
          (nconc dummy
                 (list* `(d-vbar ,(1- *height*) ,(1- *depth*) ,ch)
                        (list (- *width*) 0) result)))
    (setq result
          (cons (list (- 1 *width*) (- *depth*) `(d-hbar ,*width* ,ch))
    (setq result
          (list* `(d-vbar ,(1- *height*) ,(1- *depth*) ,ch) '(-1 0) result))
    (update-heights *height* *depth*)
    (return result)))

Funktion: dim-mtext form result


(defun dim-mtext (form result)
  (if (null (cddr form))
      (dimension (cadr form) result *lop* *rop* 0 0)
      (dimension-nary form result)))

Funktion: dimnary-mtext form result *lop* op *rop* w


(defun dimnary-mtext (form result *lop* op *rop* w)
  (declare (ignore op))
  (dimension form result *lop* *rop* w *right*))

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