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A. kmaxima.lisp

Der folgende Quelltext enthält die Makros, Funktionen und Variablen, die in Grundgerüst beschrieben werden. Der Code ist mit dem Lisp SBCL getestet. Nur die Funktion bye ist abhängig von dem verwendeten Lisp. Hier ist eine Implementation eingefügt, die für verschiedene Lisp-Dialekte verallgemeinert ist.

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; kmaxima1.lisp
;;; Copyright (C) 2011 Dr. Dieter Kaiser
;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;;; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(in-package :cl-user)

(defpackage :kmaxima
  (:nicknames :kmaxima)
  (:use :cl))

(in-package :kmaxima)

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defvar *maxima-version* 0.1)

(defun maxima-banner ()
  (format t "~&kMaxima ~a~%" *maxima-version*)
  (format t "using Lisp ~a ~a~%" (lisp-implementation-type)
  (format t "Distributed under the GNU Public License. ~
             See the file COPYING.~%")
  (format t "Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter.~%"))

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defun bye ()
  #+(or cmu scl clisp) (ext:quit)
  #+sbcl               (sb-ext:quit)
  #+allegro            (excl:exit)
  #+(or mcl openmcl)   (ccl:quit)
  #+gcl                (lisp:quit)
  #+ecl                (si:quit)
  #+lispworks          (lispworks:quit))

(defun $quit ()
  (throw 'maxima-quit-to-lisp 0))

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defun putprop (sym val indic)
  (and (symbolp sym)
       (setf (get sym indic) val)))

(defmacro defprop (sym val indic)
  `(putprop ',sym ',val ',indic))

(defun getprop (sym indic)
  (and (symbolp sym)
       (get sym indic)))

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defun mfunctionp (x)
  (cond ((symbolp x)
         (and (not (macro-function x))
              (fboundp x) t))
        ((functionp x))))

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(proclaim '(ftype (function (*) *) meval))

(defun mevalargs (args)
  (mapcar #'meval args))

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defun meval (form &aux u)
    ((atom form)
     (cond ((not (symbolp form))
           ((not (boundp form))
           (t (symbol-value form))))
    ((consp (car form))
     (let ((op (caar form)))
       (cond ((mfunctionp op)
              (apply op (mevalargs (cdr form))))
             ((setq u (getprop op 'mspec))
              (apply u (cons form nil)))
             ((macro-function op)
              (eval (cons op (cdr form))))
              (cons (car form) (mevalargs (cdr form)))))))
    (t (eval form))))

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defun maxima-toplevel-loop (input-stream mode)
  (declare (ignore input-stream mode))
    (format t "~%~a> " (package-name *package*))
    (format t "~{~&~S~}" (multiple-value-list (meval (read))))))

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defvar *maxima-quiet* nil)
(defvar *maxima-epilog* "")

(let ((maxima-started nil))
  (defun maxima-toplevel (input-stream mode)
    (in-package :kmaxima)
    (if maxima-started
        (format t "kMaxima restarted.~%")
          (if (not *maxima-quiet*) (maxima-banner))
          (setq maxima-started t)))
    (catch 'maxima-quit-toplevel
             (catch 'maxima-continue
                    (maxima-toplevel-loop input-stream mode)
                    (format t *maxima-epilog*)

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defun cl-user::run ()
  (in-package :kmaxima)
  (let ((input-stream *standard-input*)
        (mode nil))
    (catch 'maxima-quit-to-lisp
            (with-simple-restart (kmaxima "Return to kMaxima top level.")
              (maxima-toplevel input-stream mode))))))

(import 'cl-user::run)

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defmacro defun-prop (f arg &body body)
  `(setf (get ',(first f) ',(second f)) #'(lambda ,arg ,@body)))

(defmacro defmspec (function . rest)
     (defun-prop (,function mspec) ,@rest)))

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defvar *variable-initial-values* (make-hash-table))

(defmacro defmvar (var &rest val-and-doc)
  (cond ((> (length val-and-doc) 2)
         (setq val-and-doc (list (car val-and-doc) (second val-and-doc)))))
     (unless (gethash ',var *variable-initial-values*)
       (setf (gethash ',var *variable-initial-values*) ,(first val-and-doc)))
     (defvar ,var ,@val-and-doc)))

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defun $writefile (filename)
  (let ((msg (dribble filename)))
    (format t "~&~A~&" msg)

(defun $closefile ()
  (let ((msg (dribble)))
    (format t "~&~A~&" msg))

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defun merror (message &rest args)
  (let ((msg `(t ,message ,@args)))
    (apply #'format msg)
    (format t "~& -- an error. To debug this try: debugmode(true);~%")
    (throw 'maxima-continue 'maxima-error)))

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defvar *values* nil)
(defvar *options* nil)

(defmvar $optionset nil)

(defun mset (x y)
  (cond ((symbolp x)
         (let ((f (getprop x 'assign)))
           (if (and f (or (not (eq x y))
                          (eq f 'neverset)))
               (if (eq (funcall f x y) 'munbindp)
                   (return-from mset nil))))
         (cond ((not (boundp x))
                (push x *values*))
               ((and (not (eq x y))
                     (boundp x)
                     (not (member x *values*)))
                (if $optionset
                    (format t "assignment: assigning to option ~A~%" x))
                (push x *options*)))
         (return-from mset (setf (symbol-value x) y)))
        (t (merror "assignment: cannot assign to ~A~%" x))))

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defvar *munbindp* nil)

(defun mseterror (var val)
  (declare (special *munbindp*))
  (if *munbindp*
      (merror "assignment: cannot assign ~A to ~A" val var)))

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defun neverset (var val)
  (mseterror var val))

(defun booleset (x y)
  (if (not (member y '(t nil $false $true)))
      (mseterror x y)))

(defun shadowset (var val)
  (mset (get var 'shadowvar) val))

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defun $values ()
  (cons '(mlist simp) (copy-list *values*)))

(defun $options ()
  (cons '(mlist simp) (copy-list *options*)))

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defmspec mquote (form)
  (cadr form))

(defmspec msetq (l)
  (mset (cadr l) (meval (caddr l))))

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defun reset1 (args)
  (declare (special *variable-initial-values*))
  (labels ((maybe-reset (key val)
             (let ((reset nil))
               (when (and (boundp key)
                          ;; equalp must be generalized for Maxima forms.
                          (not (equalp (symbol-value key) val)))
                 (setq reset key)
                 (let ((*munbindp* t)    ; no error, when reseting
                       ($optionset nil)) ; no message, when reseting
                   (declare (special *munbindp* $optionset))
                   (meval `((msetq) ,key ((mquote) ,val)))))
    (let ((actually-reset nil))
      (if args
          #'(lambda (key)
              (multiple-value-bind (val found-p)
                  (gethash key *variable-initial-values*)
                (if found-p
                    (if (maybe-reset key val)
                        (push key actually-reset)))))
          #'(lambda (key val)
              (if (maybe-reset key val)
                  (push key actually-reset)))
      (cons '(mlist) (nreverse actually-reset)))))

(defmspec $reset (l)
  (reset1 (cdr l)))

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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This document was generated by Dieter Kaiser on Dezember, 13 2011 using texi2html 1.76.